Monday, 23 August 2010

Lighthouse Photoshoot with Naomi Storey

I was approached by another photographer, Martin Bartnicki ( and he asked me if I was free for a photoshoot! And we had 48hrs to organise it! I got us a make-up artist pretty quickly, the talented Nuala Campbell (!/nuala.campbell?ref=ts) Martin had his lighting assistant sorted, now all we needed was the model. Finally Nuala sorted us out with the lovely Naomi Storey. So we were ready to rumble!

Due to Whitehead not having a beach (my bad, lol) Martin suggested we head upto the Lighthouse on the cliff. When we finally found it, the could shooting commence! So from...flies...EVERYWHERE, to a model on heels on a cliff top, to the gorgeous landscape....have a wee gander at the results! ;o)

If you would like a model photoshoot. Just get in touch with myself.
Northern Ireland Reportage, Traditional style Wedding Photographer. Also specialising in Maternity, Babies, Children, Special Occasions (Christenings, Birthday parties) and more...
Contact me for more details.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Scrapyard Photoshoot with Joanne Watson

Well, myself & Emma McConville are working together again on the fabulous Joanne Watson. Emma's Dad is the director of this scrap yard, and we were lucky enough to get access into it for a few hours.  This place ROCKED! There was so much potential, and so many places to take fab shots! We even spotted what looked like an old war time motorcycle, so that had to be used...

Check out some of the shots...

Carlas 21st!

 On Saturday 7th August, I was a busy girl! I went from one surprise 30th birthday to a jammed packed in full swing 21st birthday party, at the Lagan Village Rangers Club in Belfast.  I met Carla at a Hen Party last year, and again at that very same Hens Wedding Reception - I was very pleased that she wanted to me capture her special arrival in 21!

The night was filled with back flips, fab tunes, hip hop dancers, an excellent irish dancer and constant laughs and just having a blast!

Below is a preview of Carlas big night...

Gerards Surprise 30th - Birthday - August 2010

I was contacted by a friend of a friend on facebook (isn't facebook fab!) and she asked me to cover her brothers surprise 30th at the Cliftonville Bowling Club in Belfast - I of course was happy to!! Once I got there the bowling green was untouched, and I could hear kids laughing off somewhere around the club. 

I walked into the club to find alot of loved ones ready to celebrate Gerards 30th with him. And he was soon to arrive...check out a few snaps from Gerards big night.