Sunday, 21 February 2010

My 1st Model based exciting!

I was in Blackpool for the week and I was organising two shoots for moooonths! So I was chuffed (and also nervous) that the date had finally arrived.  I teamed up with a photographer friend of mine, Tony Gee - he specialises in Model & Glamour/Fetish based photography.  It was a pleasure to finally meet him after countless emails back and forth trying to organise these shoots.

My ideas for the shoots where Vampire & Puppets and Dolls.  I obviously had an MUA let me down and a model, but we bounced back because the people we did have turn up made the day, and covered both shoots due to the no-shows.  I learnt that in the modelling business that this happens alot.

Check out what we captured....

Models: Tixi Lixi
             Susan White
             Jamie Wilson

MUA's: Sam & Amanda

Baby Aoife has arrived!

Arleen & John are now the proud parents of a beautiful daughter, they have named her "Aoife Rose Ramsey" and she's a total darling.

Baring in mind for a 5wk old baby she wasn't best pleased with having her photos taken but we managed to get some lovely ones for the proud parents.

And a look-see....

Saturday, 20 February 2010

My beautiful children (Personal)

I thought I'd upload a few pics of my children, I've got four! Madness & chaos has serious fondness for me, lol.  But looking through all the tantrums, and arguments over who gets to play what first, I doubt I'd change a single thing.

So without further a-do....I'd like you to meet my brood...

My 2 eldest, Rhys & Ethan

It's so hard to get a nice photo of my boys (see previous, lol)...but I adore this one

Ethan all painted up for Halloween

My only daughter, Ellie-Louise, this is her on an autumn trail

My baby, Jacob
He had this "deer in headlights" looks for months, lol

So there you have brood - they grow up so fast, so cherish EVERY minute.

Baby Faye & Blake

My cousin's friend Laura came to me for a baby photoshoot.  Her and her partner Stephen already have a little boy, called Blake and he's mental about football (A wee Man u supporter haha!) and was so keen to not only tell me about his footy knowledge but to show me his light saber skills! 

Check out lbaby Faye (5wks) and Blake aged 5yrs....

Arleens beautiful bump

I met Arleen through my friend Lindsey, and her and her partner John are going to be the parents of a bouncing baby girl in just a few weeks time! So Arleen thought she'd jump at the chance to have a pregnancy shoot with myself.  Arleens bump was flawless I cannot tell you, she did nothing but glow, and you see that from the results...

...have a wee nosy....