Thursday, 29 July 2010

Joanne Watson - Model - July 2010

Joanne Watson, myself and our make up artist Emma McConville headed down to Hazelbank today, inbetween rain showers, we were able to squeeze in our model based shoot.  This was my first model based shoot since Vampires and Puppets and dolls...needless to say I was excited! Joannes never modelled a day in her life, but by her'd think she had!

Check them out ;o)

To check out more of Joannes images head over to Deborah Wear Photography

Baby Shannon - Newborn - July 2010

If you take a gander back through my blog posts you'll come across Jemma and her beautiful bump...well...this little beauty is the little being inside said bump! I'd like you too meet little Shannon, and without a shadow of a doubt, a double of her Father, Alan.

Shannon wasn't in the best of forms, so she was a grumpy little bunch of joy, but we managed to get a few shots of her in the end! Have a look see...
To check out more of my baby portraits, just head on over to Deborah Wear Photography

Edina & Richard - Engagement - 19th July 2010

Today I ventured over to Bangor, and I was to meet a lovely girl named Edina and her lovely fiancee Richard.  Edina and Richard chose Bangor as the spot for their engagement shoot because it was the very place that Richard got down on one knee to ask Edina a very important question....and of course she said yes!  The rain was really persistant before our shoot took place, but Edina had so much faith, that no joke...20 minutes later...the sun was out, shining and boiling us all half to death! lol.

They were such a wonderful couple to photograph! We even walked round to the very spot Richard proposed, have a wee nosy at their snaps... :o)

To view more from Edina and Richards Engagement shoot, just visit Deborah Wear Photography.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Rebeccas 18th!!


Rebeccas 18th birthday party had finally arrived. The fantastic venue was held at the Clarion Hotel in Carrickfergus.  The dance floor was always being tapped on by dancing feet, and I've got the photos to prove it! Fair play to all of our dancers, and a even bigger shout out to those brave enough to get up for the Stars in their Eyes part of the evening!!

Many happy returns Rebecca!!

Enjoy some snaps from the fab birthday evening.

To view more of the images from Rebeccas fantastic 18th birthday party log onto my Belfast Wedding Photographer website at, go to 'View Clients Photos' then 'Birthday Parties'.  Click Rebeccas 18th and enter the password that was supplied on the day of the event.

Deborah. x

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Deborah Wear Photgraphy on Twitter!

Well, I'm catching up with the times, because I now have a twitter account!! Yaay me!!

Feel free to follow me, and I will follow you in return:  :o)