Thursday 30 September 2010

Belfast City Shoot with Gillian Walker.

Today I got to work alongside the talented Martin Bartniki once again, and also the fabulous make-up artist, Nuala Campbell.  Gillian met up at Nualas home to get her all sparkled up for this afternoons shoot, and not only did Nuala do an ace job, but Gillian looked radiant!

We all met up in the Custom House Square of Belfast and both Martin & I got to work! Gillian was brilliant to work with, she changed her pose with every click of our cameras! She was a total pleasure to work with.

We all had a great laugh during this shoot, so I've added in a few comical photos from the shoot also! Even though I take every one of my shoots's good to have a giggle & a bit of fun at the same time!

Enjoy! :o)

 And then some of the funny moments...

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